Use "fact is stranger than fiction|fact be strange than fiction" in a sentence

1. Fact is stranger than fiction.

2. Truth is stranger than fiction.

3. Truth is often stranger than fiction.

4. Fact, in this instance, is far stranger and more profoundly disquieting than anything in the annals of fiction.

5. 21 Fact, in this instance, is far stranger and more profoundly disquieting than anything in the annals of fiction.

6. Fact is inextricably commingled with fiction.

7. Don't braid fact with fiction.

8. The Adage, that truth is often stranger than fiction, is a huge understatement

9. This book intermingled fact with fiction.

10. Stranger than Fiction, Answerability, and Co-Authoring a Life William K

11. The book intermingles fact and fiction.

12. It is named after Astounding Science Fiction (now Analog Science Fiction and Fact), a foundational science fiction magazine.

13. The Emperor Elagabulus: Fact or Fiction?.

14. Autobiographical fiction is based on fact—but, importantly, not bound by fact.

15. Antediluvial Flood Myths – Fact or Fiction

16. Autobiographical fiction is based on fact—but, importantly, not bound by fact

17. Atleast one - third of this triumvirate isn't going anywhere, so I'm seeing more fiction than fact.

18. 27 It's important distinguish fact from fiction.

19. It's important to distinguish fact from fiction.

20. Reality can be Creepier than fiction

21. Analog Science Fiction and Fact is the most enduring and popular science fiction magazine in history

22. 20 It's important to distinguish fact from fiction.

23. How do we sort out fact from fiction?

24. 16 The line between fact and fiction is becoming blurred.

25. Fact and fiction merge together in his latest thriller.

26. His films blur the boundaries between fact and fiction.

27. Sometimes real life is darker than fiction.

28. The animals depicted in Ever Heard of an Aardwolf? fall into the category of stranger-than-fiction

29. Cryonics is more science fiction than serious science.

30. 9 This biography sometimes crosses the borderline between fact and fiction.

31. ‘The Adage, that truth is often stranger than fiction, is a huge understatement.’ ‘This is a book which confirms the Adage that truth is stranger than fiction.’ ‘The enthusiasts for revolutionary methods overlook the truth of the Adage that the best is often the enemy of the good.’

32. The American Campaign is part-fact and part-fiction, set between 1898 and 2070.

33. Airheads appreciate function over form, fact over fiction, and friendship over friction

34. It's very difficult to disentangle fact from fiction in what she's saying.

35. 11 The border between science fact and science fiction gets a bit fuzzy.

36. Fact and fiction became all jumbled up in his report of the robbery.

37. Fact and Fiction about the flea in Hebrews, Syrians, Arabs, Abyssinians and Turks.

38. 2 (adjective) in the sense of indistinct The line between fact and fiction is becoming Blurred.

39. 29 For many television viewers the dividing line between fact and fiction is becoming increasingly blurred.

40. There is no mistaking Hall's books as anything other than romantic fiction.

41. So you see, the microscopic world is even more amazing than science fiction.

42. Antonyms for Anecdote include truth, non-fiction, factuality, reality, fact, realism, real life and the real world

43. 'Coherence' is slow burning psychological science-fiction for a thinking person, and it holds up much better than most big budgeted pretentious science-fiction extravaganzas

44. The fact he's older than me is not relevant.

45. For whether knowingly or unknowingly, through fact or fiction, their stories can influence the traveller's choice of destination.

46. In fact, it is stronger than the Balsa it is joining

47. I prefer non-fiction to fiction.

48. It's nothing more than opinion masquerading as fact.

49. Fiction is flowing water.

50. Whether the lore of the sandwich is fact or fiction, there's no denying that even the most serendipitous invention can have big repercussions.

51. There are lots of sword masters in swordsman fiction who have strange appearances.

52. But there is more fig leaf than fact in this rationalization.

53. The film adroitly mixes fact (Jean Monnet, Robert Schuman, Konrad Adenauer, etc.) and fiction (Marie, Jürgen, their families and friends).

54. Master Anthologizer Russ Kick has immersed himself in the many and varied worlds of sex writing, producing a definitive collection exposing reality that's way, way stranger than XXX fiction

55. In fact, nothing matters more than our core Beliefs

56. Is this science fiction?

57. For Almost two centuries, American gray wolves, vilified in fact as well as fiction, were the victims of vicious government extermination programs

58. Fiction should be grounded in reality.

59. In fact , the antioxidant effects of polyphenols appear to be greater than vitamin C .

60. In fact, docking a ship can even be more hazardous than landing an airplane.

61. The series will include both fiction and non-fiction.

62. Autarchy is a cross-genre work of soft science fiction and political fiction

63. 30 Forest Goblin shamans are prone to run off dizzily, or just blunder about, unable to distinguish fact from venom-induced fiction.

64. Science fiction

65. In fact, Birthrates are lower than they have ever been

66. In fact, more people succeed at overcoming their Addiction than

67. In fact, your loss may involve more than your health.

68. Yet it is not fiction.

69. In fact, mean (Average) is even less meaningful in 2021 than ever before.

70. In fact, the optimally relevant interpretation may be a summary rather than an exact paraphrase.

71. Fiction connects.

72. Butler Scholars (2013) and Coedited Strange Matings: Science Fiction, Feminism, African American Voices, and Octavia E

73. One of the strange realities of life is the fact that you can live much more Cheaply when you're rich than you can when you're poor

74. Prevention is generally more environmentally desirable and cost-effective than reaction after the fact, and should be prioritised.

75. She " has not been truthful on matters great and small " and has an ability to present " fiction as fact with complete conviction , " they wrote .

76. The fact that more than 40% of the population of Rotterdam is of foreign origin ("allochtonous") is recognised as a fact and is seen to offer opportunities that should be utilised.

77. In fact, rather than interfering, it actually puts things in order.

78. FACT: Bmx racing isn’t any more dangerous than other youth sports

79. In fact, Caesar Augustus observed that it was safer to be Herod’s pig than Herod’s son.

80. Fiction is pure joy how sad that I could not reinvent the trip as fiction.